We have an important update, John.

Last week, Republicans backing Ken Calvert launched an absurd lawsuit to prevent Will from using the word 'counterterrorism' to describe his legal experience on the ballot.

We went to court, and yesterday a superior court judge ruled that Will can keep ‘counterterrorism’ in his ballot designation. The MAGA GOP’s plan with their sham lawsuit has officially FAILED.

This ruling is an important victory, but it's also an early reminder of just how aggressively Calvert and his allies are working to undermine our campaign. 

We can't let up for a minute, and Sunday's end-of-year fundraising deadline is an opportunity to prove that we're only building momentum -- despite their baseless attacks. 

Will you rush in $3 before midnight to make this Republican lawsuit completely BACKFIRE on Calvert and his allies? In moments like these, we need to know our supporters are behind us.

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Here's what this lawsuit was really about: 

Calvert is nervous about running against Will's experience in law enforcement and background in counterterrorism law. Not to mention Calvert has failed the law enforcement community, voting more than once in 2023 alone to defund local law enforcement agencies.

Remember, this is the same guy who claimed that the FBI had been infiltrated by ‘rot,’ and called for dropping charges against the insurrectionists who attacked cops at the Capitol on January 6th. 

We’re going to remind voters of the clear contrast in this race, no matter how desperate Calvert is to sweep his record under the rug.

The best way we can make sure this plot backfires on Calvert is by flying past our final public fundraising goal of 2023. Rush in $3 before midnight. Let's send Calvert packing.


Will Rollins HQ