Dear City Limits friends,
Since 1976, City Limits has shed light on the issues impacting our most vulnerable communities, bringing the transparency and accountability that only a local investigative news platform can provide. For 47 years, we’ve published award-winning journalism that has informed and empowered New Yorkers to create a more just city. Today, amidst the city’s housing crisis, an unprecedented rise in homelessness, and a growing lack of affordable housing, our work has never been more important.
As a nonprofit news organization, we pride ourselves on independent, inclusive, and in-depth coverage of the topics that matter to you. This also means we rely on readers to support our reporting. As we head into a crucial election year, that support is more important than ever.
We have five days left until the December 31st deadline, and we need your help to raise $30,000. Your tax-deductible donation will be doubled by NewsMatch, up to $1,000. We’re so close, with $27,120 already raised, and your donation could be the one that helps us get there.
Thank you for allowing City Limits to remain a place where independent journalism can thrive. |