We’re matching all new gifts right now.
Year End 2X match up to $500,000; Donate Today; Bird Illustration;
The Piping Plover is endangered or threatened throughout its range, but we’ve made great strides in reviving this species through efforts that include captive rearing, monitoring of its nesting sites, education, and outreach.

However, this critical work to protect our birds is far from over. If we’re going to have the biggest impact possible for birds like the Piping Plover, we’re going to need all hands on deck.
Donate Annually
So, please, can we count on you to be one of 507 bird lovers we need to start an annual donation before midnight? We’re matching all new gifts up to $500,000, for birds on the brink.
National Audubon Society
Help bring birds back from the brink; Piping Plovers.
Piping Plovers.
2X Match Active Now; Stopwatch graphic
Give a Gift for Birds on the Brink
There’s no sugarcoating it: Human activity is pushing more and more of our beloved birds towards the brink of extinction.

For example, increased human activity on beaches affects Great Lakes and Atlantic Coast birds. From dogs off leash to other predation to washouts, vulnerable species like Piping Plovers face an array of threats each breeding season. And without our continued intervention these threats could become unmanageable.

Which is why we’re committed to doing all we can for Piping Plovers and all birds that are counting on us. Before the year ends, we’re matching all new gifts thanks to a generous group of donors. But we still need 507 new donations before midnight to keep our momentum up. Will you make an annual gift right now to help us hit our goal? Please choose a gift that renews automatically every year and gives birds protection they can depend on.
More than half of US bird species are in decline; bird illustrations;
To help keep Piping Plovers safe, monitors and dedicated volunteers at nesting sites in the Great Lakes region spend hours each day checking on the birds, educating beachgoers about their nests, and protecting plovers from dogs and predators.

Alongside our partners, we’ve helped Great Lakes Piping Plovers grow from less than 15 pairs to over 80 pairs just this summer. And those pairs produced as many as 135 chicks, in a record-breaking season!
Birds Need People Like You
Bird Icon.
The Piping Plover is endangered in 13 states and nearly gone from the Great Lakes.
Bird Icon.
With 3 degrees of warming, the Piping Plover is at risk of losing 87% of its range.
Bird Icon.
We’ve lost 3 billion birds in just one lifetime.
All of this is encouraging news for the Piping Plover, but they aren’t out of the woods yet. They’re still endangered in most of their range. So it’s going to take even more dedication and commitment to turn that around. And with nearly 400 North American species at increasing risk of extinction from climate change, there is a lot of work to be done.

Generous gifts from bird lovers like you power our work to protect birds and the places they need. We’re matching all new gifts through the end of the year. Will you be one of the 507 new donors we need today and amplify your impact for birds on the brink?


National Audubon Society
Photo: Putneypics/Flickr-CC(BY-NC 2.0). Illustrations: Piping Plover, Golden-cheeked Warbler, Western Yellow-billed Cuckoo.
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(844) 428-3826 audubon.org

© 2023 National Audubon Society, Inc.

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