I'm so proud of everything we've accomplished together. In the 11 years since I started Moms Demand Action, our volunteer-led movement has grown into an undeniable force to be reckoned with, from school boards to statehouses to the halls of Congress.
Together, we have changed the course of history when it comes to gun safety in our country.
And while I am stepping back from my leadership role, I know our movement is in great hands. Moms Demand Action's first-ever Executive Director Angela Ferrell-Zabala is already leading the way as we enter the next decade of this work stronger than ever. And together with our vast network of thousands of smart, talented, and dedicated volunteers and 10 million supporters, we have never been better positioned to continue making lasting political and cultural change.
So much is at stake for our movement in the year ahead: The gun lobby and their allies in state legislatures across the country are expected to once again push dangerous gun bills next year. And consequential elections will be a crucial turning point for the future of our gun laws.
With your help, we can take significant action to end gun violence in 2024. From now through December 31st, Mike Bloomberg will TRIPLE MATCH your contribution to end gun violence: Donate today and your gift to Everytown Action Fund, Moms Demand Action, and Students Demand Action will go three times as far.
As the nation's leading gun violence prevention organization, Everytown, Moms Demand Action, and Students Demand Action are the counterweight to the gun lobby and we need your support to take them on.
By supporting our movement right now, you can help us send a powerful message. You can tell worried parents that you'll never stop working to keep their children safe. You can show gun violence survivors that you'll continue fighting alongside them in their loved ones' honor. And you can tell the people in your community that you're committed to stopping the senseless tragedies that take 120 lives a day and wound hundreds more in this country.
We have a big year ahead of us and I'm counting on you to fuel the life-saving work it will take to end gun violence: Donate today and Mike Bloomberg will TRIPLE your contribution.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all you have done to build this incredible movement, and thank you for supporting a future free from gun violence.
Shannon Watts
Moms Demand Action