Just a few days ago, a group of teenage boys wearing “Team Mitch” shirts posed with a cardboard cutout of AOC while performing inappropriate and sexually threatening gestures.
Instead of apologizing, McConnell’s team defended their actions with a theme that still makes our blood run cold: boys will be boys. From someone who supported Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh, we’re not surprised their team essentially said that — but McConnell’s anti-equality agenda isn’t limited to words.
For almost four months, McConnell has blocked a renewal of the Violence Against Women Act. The VAWA is legislation that, among other things, would prevent abusive relationship partners and stalkers from acquiring weapons. These are real checks that can save lives and prevent mass shootings — so of course, McConnell wants to kill the VAWA in the Senate.
Across the board, Mitch McConnell has used his power to block legislation that would save lives. From universal background checks, to closing the Charleston loophole, to the VAWA, McConnell’s inaction has gotten people killed.
When his team embraced the title “Reaper of the Senate,” we didn’t expect it to be so literal.
Team AOC