
Hi John,


With the new year around the corner, Governor Hochul is preparing to announce her budget proposal in January. We stand at a critical juncture where our collective action can shape New York’s budget and legislation over the coming year and beyond, and our voices must be heard. Email Governor Hochul now telling her that New York’s students and families must be her top priority in her 2024-5  budget proposal.


The executive  budget is more than a speech or a document — it is a blueprint of the Governor’s priorities, a signaling of who and what she values, and the starting point for negotiations that will define how New Yorkers are served by their government. What the Governor proposes in her budget will deeply impact our students, families, and communities. It will chart the course for the year ahead. Let’s raise our voices to steer Governor Hochul toward a more equitable and prosperous future. 


Our collective fight over the years resulted in schools starting the year with 100 percent of their Foundation Aid for the first time ever. This year we face new challenges. Federal school aid is ending, but the impacts that the pandemic had on students are here to stay. We need to ensure schools have the resources they need to meet our current reality.


Our 2024 budget priorities underscore our commitment to building a more equitable New York: 

  • Update the Foundation Aid Formula: A new study that will  update the Foundation Aid formula to ensure equitable distribution of resources across the state. We support the Board of Regents request of $1 million to conduct the study. We also support their recommendations of short term revisions to the formula that would help the students that need it the most.  
  • Fund Student Needs, Prevent Cuts: We must avoid funding gaps created by the expiration of relief funding in our school districts, protecting essential programs and staff. 
  • Advance Universal Childcare: Establishing a permanent, well-funded program for equitable access to child care. 
  • Invest in Full Day Pre-K: Ensuring quality programs and equitable distribution to all community-based organizations.
  • Tax the Ultra Rich, Invest in Our New York: Raising revenue to invest in education, childcare, and essential services. 
  • A Positive School Climate: Ending the school-to-prison pipeline and fostering trust through community schools and culturally responsive education.


Many of our representatives in the state legislature share our values and are pushing  to keep the state on the right track. The Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Legislative Caucus is advocating for a just and equitable state budget that invests in education, healthcare, and economic justice. With initiatives like the Universal Child Care Act, a more equitable formula for K-12 public schools, the expansion of pre-K, and fair taxation for the ultra wealthy, the Caucus is calling for a more hopeful future for our state. Let Governor Hochul know that we expect her proposed budget to follow suit.


Email Governor Hochul now, urging her to prioritize our families and children in her 2024 budget proposal this January. Together, let’s shape a New York that champions equity and opportunities for everyone.


In solidarity,

