The New Deal's 90th anniversary (1933-1942) gave us reason to celebrate. We raised our glasses—and our visibility—at a number of events held in honor of the occasion.

Remembering the Dust Bowl 
Dalhart, Texas, a city in the bullseye of the Dust Bowl, recalled the New Deal’s restoration and relief programs. Presenters included Living New Deal National Research Associate Annie Rothstein Segan, who showcased iconic images of the Dust Bowl that her dad, Arthur Rothstein, took while a photographer for the Farm Security Administration. In addition, an exhibition of Rothstein’s work, “New Deal America,” is on display at the Gage Gallery at Roosevelt University in Chicago through May 2024.

Honoring the Federal Writers’ Project 
The Living New Deal was well represented at the Library of Congress symposium, "Rewriting America: Politics, Vision, Purpose." Living New Deal National Research Associate Susan DeMasi, author of the book Henry Alsberg, The Driving Force Behind the Federal Writers’ Project, was among the leading scholars to speak at the conference.

Rewarding the New Deal Spirit
Greenbelt, Maryland, founded by the New Deal, celebrated at its annual Utopian Film Festival by presenting the New Deal Spirit Award. The winning film,  “Town Destroyer,” is a thought-provoking documentary about the controversial New Deal-era murals at San Francisco’s George Washington High School. Producers Alan Snitow and Deborah Kauffman previously hosted a screening at a benefit for the Living New Deal.

A Walk in the Woods
"A Walk in Muir Woods," in partnership with the National Park Service, highlighted the history of the Civilian Conservation Corps in these surrounding parklands. Our group hiked among the ancient redwoods with Living New Deal founder Gray Brechin and historian Ranger Matt Cerkel, with NPS’s Mia Monroe and Ranger Jace Ritchey as guides. The NPS’s restoration team has just completed long-planned habitat recovery efforts at Redwood Creek. Spawning Coho salmon, a struggling species long absent from the park, were observed swimming up the creek that same day! 
Grand Finale of 2023 
Judge Charles Breyer raised a toast to the New Deal and Aaron Peskin, President of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, presented a Proclamation from the City at our 90th Anniversary gathering at the San Francisco Maritime Museum, an architectural landmark built by the WPA. "Happy Days Are Here Again,” featured authors Heather Cox Richardson, Gary Kamiya and Gray Brechin, reflecting on the New Deal and America today.

This year, our online archive of New Deal sites grew to more than 18,000 projects, drawing more than two million visitors to our website. Our website, newsletter, webinars, talks and tours are free to everyone. Your end-of-year donation makes this work possible.  

With your support, we continue to bring the New Deal’s story—and why it matters—to light. We look forward to seeing you in 2024 and we thank you for your generosity!
We are a 501c3 organization. Donations are tax deductible.

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