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The Anger Is Building

Kurt Schlichter

The NYT's Laughable Article About Arab Losses in the Gaza War

Matt Vespa

Markets and Miracles

John Stossel

When Did Commercials Become Filled With Ugly People?

Derek Hunter

Here Comes The Begging

Derek Hunter

Democratic Lawfare vs. Donald Trump

Byron York

A New Generation of Catholics Discovers Latin Mass 60 Years After Vatican II

Salena Zito

Ignorance and Apathy

Cal Thomas

The Progressive Socialist Left's War Against Educational Freedom

Allen West

What Does Trump Want Out of a Second Term? Here's What Voters Think.

Leah Barkoukis

Will '#DropOutDean' Trend Have Any Effect on Biden's Primary Challenger?

Rebecca Downs

A Bunch of Pro-Terrorist Doctors Were Planning to Storm the Holocaust Museum in DC

Matt Vespa

David Axelrod Makes Bold Prediction About Future of Ramaswamy Campaign

Rebecca Downs

The New York Times Spent Christmas Going After Justice Clarence Thomas

Rebecca Downs

Chris Cuomo Highlights Why Hamas Burned Israelis Alive

Matt Vespa

New York and California Could Lose Even More Congressional Seats

Rebecca Downs

Racism 100 Years Ago: Republican vs. Democrat

Mark Lewis

Mazi Melesa Pilip: A Fantastic Republican to Replace George Santos

Star Parker

Yes, College Is Worth It

Terry Jeffrey

Stop Funding the 'Rights for Migrants' Legal Scam

Betsy McCaughey

'I Relied on Others,' 'Documents Were Filed in the Wrong Place,' and Other Memorable Excuses

Jacob Sullum

Good Riddance to Louisiana’s Left-Wing Governor

Jeff Crouere

The Ongoing Fight Against the Jewishness of Jesus

Michael Brown

Conservatives of the Year

John and Andy Schlafly

The Alternative (and Better) 'Two-State Solution'

Adam Turner

Thursday’s Trash

Alan Joseph Bauer

Of Course the Squad Politicized Christmas

Rebecca Downs

A Massive Caravan Is Heading Toward the Border

Leah Barkoukis

Biden Giving Bureaucrats 'Historic' Raise

Spencer Brown

Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms
Brandon Herrera Attacked For Posting Pic With Gun |
So You Got a Gun For Christmas. Now What? |
US Troops May Face Red Flag Laws Under Proposal |
A Lesson In How Anti-Gunners Ignore Inconvenient Facts |
New Mexico Newspaper Has Refreshing Take on Governor's Gun Control Agenda |
Driving a Stake Through the Heart of the 'Vampire Rule' |