Support independent journalism that spurs real-world change
email hero image: Make your year-end donation to ProPublica by Dec. 31. Nonprofit, independent journalism powered by the people.

Hi Reader,

Our winter member drive is almost over, and I’m so grateful for the response we’ve seen so far from our readers. I hope you’ll join them by making a donation in any amount to support our deep-dive journalism, which shines a light on corruption and injustice and holds the powerful to account.

We shine that light with purpose. Our mission is to use the moral force of investigative journalism to spur impact. Our work has led to laws being passed, people resigning from powerful positions, victims receiving compensation and much more. We carefully track the impact of our work, and here are a few recent examples:

We’ve got reporters all over the country investigating stories of injustice and corruption — stories that can make a real difference for everyday people. It’s the only kind of work we do, and we’re able to sustain it because of the generosity and confidence of our readers.

Join over 50,000 ProPublicans and donate today. Help ensure that ProPublica has the resources to follow the most important stories wherever they lead and for however long it takes.

Thanks so much,

Jill Shepherd
Proud ProPublican

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