Dear John,

I hope this note finds you and your family safe and healthy, taking the recommended precautions to protect yourself and your loved ones during this public health crisis.

It is hard to believe that it was only fourteen days ago that we Texans went to the polls to cast our votes on Super Tuesday. I want to thank you for all of your support, for the donation of your time, talent, and treasure to my campaign. 

The outcome was not what I had worked for, but I loved every minute.  Meeting fellow Texans who believe as I do that we all deserve single payer universal health care with a public/private option; that education should be affordable without crippling student debt; that infrastructure should include not only good roads, bridges, safe water pipes but high speed internet access;  that comprehensive immigration reform is necessary and must include a pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients; and that commonsense gun reform needs to be passed. There are so many other areas that I discussed with residents of the district, issues that touch lives of our neighbors across both rural and urban Texas.

I believe that the people of Texas 21 deserve a voice that believes in you, a person who will fight for the district and what it stands for. My hope is that our campaign has instilled in the district the fighting strength to demand equal representation.

I want to thank you for standing beside me on my journey.  I will always be thankful and grateful for your belief in me, your support, and most of all your friendship.  You will always have a special place in my heart, for opening up your homes to meetings, for sharing my message in your groups and including me in your activities. I will always be a passionate advocate for Texas.

Please stay in touch by following me on social media or email any time [email protected]

Let’s continue to work together to turn Texas blue!

With love and thankfulness,

Jennie Lou

PS.  If you would like to help with one final contribution as we close down the campaign and pay the final expenses, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!