Dear John,

Artificial Intelligence has been a hot topic in 2023. Will it banish disease and save the world? Or will it drive increased discrimination and inequality? Are its promoters proponents of eugenics?

Sounds a lot like our ongoing conversations about human biotechnologies, doesn’t it?

The parallels between AI and human biotech go deeper. As in many other sectors, AI is making inroads in fertility clinics, genetic testing, and gene editing. It’s even being used to rank IVF embryos for traits like “educational attainment.”

Join the fight for genetic justice

At the Center for Genetics and Society, we believe that technologies ought to serve the common good. With your help, we highlight the social justice voices and perspectives needed to make that a reality, and bring them to the forefront of public and policy conversations about human biotechnologies.

Join our fight for genetic justice today by making a year-end gift to support CGS’ work in 2024 and beyond.

With thanks,

Marcy Darnovsky and Katie Hasson

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