I hope you’re taking the holiday
season to regroup and take some time with your friends and family.
It’s important, especially when we think about the fight
I know you know this, but I’m going
to be repeating it a lot over the course of the next year:
2024 is the year that will decide the future of our
democracy in our country. 2024 is the year that we need to defeat
Trump for good.
This is an existential fight and
we need as many good pro-democracy folks like you on our side as
possible to help win it. That’s why I’d appreciate it if you could
pitch in to help us finish off the year strong in the fight against
We have a lot of good work planned
in 2024. And I want you to be aware of it. If you’ve been with us
through previous election cycles, you likely know most of our
strategy. But even if you’ve been with us in 2020 and 2022, you’re
going to see some work that you’ve never seen before.
That’s because 2024 isn’t like any
election before. We’re facing a fascist authoritarian movement and
normal tactics won’t work. They never have. They never
So, to start off, I want you to be
ready for more ads and more content hitting Trump where it hurts.
We’re not holding anything back here and we’ve got a lot of ammunition
scheduled to hit him at the most crucial parts of the
The primaries. The GOP nomination
convention. And you know we’ll have an October surprise.
Of course, we’re not just targeting
Trump. We’re hitting swing voters, the people who will decide this
race in states like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. We have the
dial on those voters just like we have the dial on Trump.
We know which messages work. You know which messages work;
that’s why you support our mission here at The Lincoln
I’ll be back as we unveil
these plans throughout the year, but I want to make sure you’re aware.
The fight is on, and we need your help