Dear John,

Your support is forging effective collaborations that reconnect habitat across California.

In August, we completed the first-ever comprehensive database and interactive map of wildlife crossings in California. With this map, we will identify the areas where road crossings will make the biggest impact for cougar, mule deer, coyotes, black bears and many more. This project was made possible with support from our partners at the Wildlife Conservation Network. 

We continue collaborating with Caltrans, Nevada Department of Transportation, and Pathways for Wildlife to gather camera, wildlife-vehicle collision, and GPS telemetry data on Highway 395 in Northern California and Nevada. These data will inform the planning and design of a crossing made possible through a $5.4 million grant from The Wildlife Conservation Board to ensure safe migration and movement routes for cougar, bear, mule deer, wolves, and many others. Our partnerships are transforming wildlife crossing plans into action, ensuring data-informed wildlife passages become a reality.

But we can't do it without your support. Please give today to secure the success of our shared vision for a wild and connected California.

For the wild,


Photo by: Pathways for Wildlife