Your support before December 31st will be doubled.
Year End 2X match up to $500,000; Donate Today; Bird Illustration;
Nearly 400 birds are vulnerable to extinction due to climate change, and for species like the Rose-breasted Grosbeak, whose populations have declined by 30% over the past 50 years, time is of the essence.
Give Annually
You can help create a safe and sustainable future for birds by acting right now. Thanks to a generous group of donors, we’re matching all new gifts—up to $500,000—before the year ends. We need 428 new donors to join us before midnight. Please start a gift that renews automatically every year and gives birds protection they can depend on.
National Audubon Society
Community Birds Need Your Help; Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Rose-breasted Grosbeak.
2X Match Active Now; Stopwatch graphic
The Birds We Love Are in Trouble. You Can Help.
We love watching and admiring birds like the Rose-breasted Grosbeak, a migratory species that spends part of their lives alongside us. But with their populations dropping, these birds could eventually disappear altogether. In less than 50 years, there’s been a 29% decline among this beautiful songbird. We can’t let them go silent forever.

That's why we’re matching all new gifts made by December 31st, 2x up to $500,000. Will you be one of 428 donors we need today to keep us on track to hit our year-end goal? Start a gift that renews automatically each year and gives birds protection they can depend on.
Help the birds that share our communities; Bird Illustrations
And it’s not just the Rose-breasted Grosbeak that is suffering. More than 3 billion birds have vanished in the past 50 years. At this moment, birds’ vital habitats are being lost. Climate change is forcing them to relocate to find new homes that can sustain them. And if the trends continue, the birds we love may not survive.
The Birds You Love Need Help
Bird Icon.
Species that spend part or all of their lives alongside us in and around our communities are at risk, with over 50 million birds lost since 1970.
Building collisions are estimated to kill up to a billion birds in the United States each year.
Bird Icon.
Rose-breasted Grosbeak populations have declined by 30% in the past 50 years.
We have what it takes to reverse these disturbing trends and create a brighter future for birds. To revitalize the Rose-breasted Grosbeak and other forest-dwelling birds, our Healthy Forest initiative has prioritized protection and management. And we’re using our 100 plus years of expertise to create and maintain bird-friendly communities. We’re restoring and protecting intact forests, promoting plants for birds, and advocating for bird-friendly buildings.

In order to keep our momentum going we’re matching all new gifts through the end of the year—up to $500,000! But, we still need 428 donors TODAY to keep us on track. Will you start an annual donation and help protect our community birds, like the Rose-breasted Grosbeak?


National Audubon Society
Photo: Putneypics/Flickr-CC(BY-NC 2.0). Illustrations: Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Allen’s Hummingbird, Scarlet Tanager, Rufous Hummingbird.
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National Audubon Society
225 Varick Street, New York, NY 10014 USA
(844) 428-3826

© 2023 National Audubon Society, Inc.

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