Hi. My name’s Michael, and I’m personally stepping forward to extend the match—for all gifts to The Humane League through the end of the year.
Growing up in suburban New Jersey, I never gave much thought to the hidden side of industrial animal agriculture. So, when I learned about factory farming and its moral implications in my early twenties, I knew I had an obligation to do something.
The funny thing is, I never even considered myself an animal lover. Just a rational person. And to me, the question was simple. If I were suffering a great deal, and someone had the opportunity to help me—wouldn’t I want them to?
So many of us are raised believing that raising animals for food is “natural.” But there’s nothing natural whatsoever about the factory farming industry. Pigs are impregnated and kept in crates barely large enough to hold their bodies. Baby cows are ripped away from their mothers and put in solitary confinement. Chickens spend their lives in a space the size of an iPad.
It’s utterly dystopian. And it’s wrong.
We can change this. We are changing this. Seeing everything that’s already been achieved for animals in the last ten years was what inspired me to double down on this cause. Momentum is building—and pressure is growing on big food companies that have the ability to massively reduce animal suffering.
The Humane League is one of the most effective organizations at reducing suffering per dollar spent. It costs them just $2.63 to spare a hen from life in a cage—and make sure no animal gets put in that cage ever again.
If I have the opportunity to reduce the suffering of another being, I will. It’s as simple as that. Will you join me?
For the animals,
Michael Sesser
THL Donor |