To Act for America Substack SubscribersDear Friends, Amidst the beautiful tapestry of our holiday season, chaos erupted last week. America’s borders, the laughing stock of the world, saw an unprecedented and growing surge, forcing the halt of billions in goods traversing the railways from Mexico to the US. Within this flood of illegal aliens from 150+ nations, the capture of 300 suspected terrorists unveils just how dangerous our “wave them in”, non-existing border security has become, beyond the economic and humanitarian crisis that is bringing America to her knees in the name of “good-will” on the backs of tax-paying citizens. Lawless activist judges kicked a presidential candidate off the Colorado State ballot citing they “felt” he led an insurrection, although he’s never been legally charged or convicted of such a crime, challenging the very essence of our trusted blind justice system. Their despicable act of deciding who can run for President has sparked a cascade effect, as blue states dance on the fringes of constitutional boundaries to join in this election interference scheme threatening to divide our nation further. And on the world stage, the Biden Administration demanded Israel conclude its war against Hamas by the year's end. Amidst the chaos caused by our nation’s weakest President in history, let us not lose sight of the season's magic. As we gather in the warmth of holiday cheer, there is an opportunity to reflect, to find hope in the face of challenges, and to believe in the possibility of a better, safer, more prosperous future that We the People can create in 2024. The chaos may be a part of our present, but the spirit of the season beckons us to embrace the promise of renewal and a brighter future ahead. In Case You Missed It…We need your help! As this year concludes, we celebrate all the incredible victories we have won together, which gives us great hope for what’s to come in 2024! Our top priority has always been to put We the People back in the driver's seat! ACT NOW campaigns have become the most powerful conservative weapon in history because citizens are enabled to directly shape policy and hold government accountable with easy one-click lobby technology in 60 seconds or less! Your engagement has been astonishing! We believe in American Patriots like you! We’ve seen what you can do when provided with the right tools and information. Act for America’s 2-million-member advocacy army is united and shaking the halls of Congress with one thundering voice and it’s working. Representatives are now hearing you and moving on your behalf with a record-smashing 155,000,000+ real actions including direct emails, petitions, phone calls, and social media posts to steer our country in the right direction. With your support, we’ve stopped hundreds of freedom-killing bills and ordinances while helping to pass 210 bills at the federal and state levels! We have a lot of important work ahead of us in 2024!
We understand knowledge is powerless until it’s put into action! We don’t have time to take the scenic route to remedy and counter the Left’s assault on our hometowns and nation. The Left moves fast and stealthily, and when their radical policies surface, they’ve already laid the groundwork to move it past the finishing line quickly. That’s why we must reach our year-end fundraising goal to hit the ground running next year with our mobilization projects. Stand by us today with a donation of $35, $50, $100, or more, and receive a free autographed copy of my most recent bestselling book “Rise: In Defense of Judeo-Christian Values and Freedom”! Conferences, rallies, flag waving, and education will not stop the Left from stripping you of your freedoms, your security, your future, and your ability to prosper. Act for America has created a real patriot-driven legislative firewall through real actions and real numbers that serve to quickly neutralize and stop the Left from advancing. We are in this battle to win. But we can’t do it without you. I am counting on you to stand behind us and beside us. Help us fight and get your free autographed copy with your tax-deductible donation of $35, $50, $100, or more to ACT for America TODAY, and, together, we will be the Left’s worst nightmare! 2024 will be a great year for America! Together we will grow our movement and mobilize in every state to rescue America! I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generous support! You're currently a free subscriber to Act for America. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |