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Dear John,

This is Brad Dacus, Founder and president of Pacific Justice Institute. Please don't skip this 1-minute read. As we count down the last few days of the year, please allow me to be frank: our mission can't continue without your support. You've probably seen the fundraising emails sent to you, as well as the proof of the cases and people we have been hard at work to help, but none of it matters without your generous support. Please make the leap to stand with us financially. Even a gift of $5 can make a big impact. 

Please give a generous gift to PJI today.

Give a one-time gift!
Give a monthly gift!

Pacific Justice Institute has more open cases now than ever before. One of our key values is that we help any case big or small. We aren’t concerned with making a name for ourselves, but rather helping those without a big name get the justice they deserve. 

On top of all of that, during December we have a special matching grant of up to $500,000 that has been provided by a generous supporter that DOUBLES your impact when you give during these last few days of the year. That means, when you give $20, it becomes $40, or when you give $50, it becomes $100. Act now before December 31st! I pray you'll take advantage of this amazing experience!

I want to give you a genuine “thank you” during this year-end season for helping to ensure PJI’s work continues. 


Please give a generous gift to PJI today.
Give a one-time gift!
Give a monthly gift!
May God bless you richly as you continue to stand with Pacific Justice Institute as we stand with people all around the country who continue to suffer on issues of religious freedom, parental rights, and civil liberties. 

Running the Race, 

Brad Dacus
President & Founder
Pacific Justice Institute


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