A million species could go extinct within decades.
Center for     Biological    Diversity   
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Polar bears

Hi John,

With food harder to find, polar bear mothers face a horrific choice: feed their cubs or fend for themselves.

It's heartbreaking, which is why we're in court to protect their habitat.

Please give to the Saving Life on Earth Fund today. Just a few days remain to have your gift matched dollar for dollar.

Signs of the biodiversity crisis are all around us.

Twelve North Atlantic right whales have been killed or injured this year, most from vessel strikes. On the other side of the country, as few as 30 North Pacific right whales remain on Earth.

Speeding traffic on sprawling highways are killing big cats on both coasts. Thirteen Florida panthers have died this year, nearly half of them kittens.

In California a 4-year-old male mountain lion called P-81 died on the Pacific Coast Highway. At least two other mountain lions were found dead this year on the side of California highways that hum with traffic day and night.

To fight the extinction crisis, imperiled species urgently need a lifeline.

In the year ahead, we must restore the Endangered Species Act to its full power and shield it from attacks by anti-wildlife forces in Congress.

We'll also redouble our efforts to reform the federal agencies responsible for managing wildlife to make sure they're prioritizing the plight of the most endangered species.

There is no time to rest. Half the world's species are rapidly declining, and up to a million are at risk of extinction in the coming decades. The planet's biodiversity is under assault like never before.

The Center was founded for this moment. Our team of lawyers, scientists and activists are taking fierce, creative action every day to save wildlife and our natural world.

You can help with a matched gift today to the Saving Life on Earth Fund.

For the wild,

Kierán Suckling

Kierán Suckling
Executive Director
Center for Biological Diversity


P.S. Monthly supporters who give steady gifts of $10 or $20 sustain the Center's swift and continued action to save wildlife. Do your part by starting a monthly donation.

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Photo of polar bears from Shutterstock.

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Center for Biological Diversity
P.O. Box 710
Tucson, AZ 85702
United States