Support journalism that holds the powerful to account
email hero image: Make your year-end donation to ProPublica by Dec. 31. Nonprofit, independent journalism powered by the people.

Hi Reader,

ProPublica’s only mission is to publish investigative journalism in the public interest — stories that produce real-world impact by shining a light on wrongdoing. This kind of journalism is a watchdog for our society, exposing betrayals of the public trust, abuses of power and more.

We recently published an investigation six months in the making about police body cameras. Cities and towns all over the country have spent taxpayer money investing millions of dollars in body cameras, often with the promise of more oversight and accountability into how the police behave. But our research shows otherwise. Police departments across the country repeatedly have refused or delayed the release of bodycam footage, or released redacted footage. Our reporters found that police departments often failed to discipline or fire officers when body cameras document abuse.

Already we’ve seen a small measure of impact from this investigation: Days after we published, the New York Police Department agreed to end its practice of withholding footage from the NYPD’s civilian oversight board.

Our reporters will continue to dig into this issue, not to mention the dozens of others our journalists are working on, and that’s why I’m asking you today to join us with your donation of any amount. Help ProPublica ensure that we continue to have the freedom and resources to pursue investigations like this into 2024 and beyond. Thank you for standing with us.

Thanks again,

Jill Shepherd
Proud ProPublican

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