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Tuesday, December 26th, 2023


All I Want for Christmas

Donald Jeffries

Christ is Born! Be Alert, for the Grace of His Smile.

Fr. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy

Science as Anglo Saxon Unrest and Asiatic Profit

Erwin J. Haas MD MBA

And So Ends an Era

James Howard Kunstler

A Reporter’s Lawyer

Seymour Hersh

5 Things You Can Do This Christmas To Make the Marxists Miserable

Kevin Downey Jr.

A Very Boring Story About What Could Have Been in Under 200 Words

Margaret Anna Alice

Rebels for Christ

J.B. Shurk

Poison Pen

Theodore Dalrymple

Dr. McCullough: ‘Hyper-Vaccination’ of Children Likely Behind Rise in Autism, Transgenderism

Patrick Delaney

Why Aged Cheese and Mushrooms Are so Good for Your Heart

Dr. Joseph Mercola

A Christmas Story: OpenAI Ambivalent on White Genocide

Ben Bartee

Political Theatre

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