From Lew Rockwell <[email protected]>
Subject The Terror of Reconstruction
Date December 25, 2023 11:13 AM
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Monday, December 25th, 2023


** The Terror of Reconstruction ([link removed])

Lew Rockwell

** Wilson’s Christmas Grift of 1913 ([link removed])

George F. Smith

** 2023 – The Year the World Saw the U.S. Emperor as Naked… and Grotesque ([link removed])

Strategic Culture Foundation

** Whatever It Takes Won’t Be Enough ([link removed])

James Howard Kunstler

** Depopulation and the mRNA Vaccine ([link removed])

Peter Koenig

** The Deep State’s Control of NATO and Congress ([link removed])

Jacob G. Hornberger

** Everyone Loves a Generous Government Until They Have to Pay For It ([link removed])

Charles Hugh Smith

** Space: The New Frontier for the Control Grid ([link removed])

Dr. Joseph Mercola

** Washington Regards Truth as Its Most Dangerous Enemy ([link removed])

Paul Craig Roberts

** Dostoevsky for Catholics (and Everyone Else) ([link removed])

Darrick Taylor

** The Devil Always Introduces Himself ([link removed])

John Leake

** Here’s Why Tearing Down Satanic Statues Is Perfectly Acceptable in Our ‘Constitutional Society’ ([link removed])

Brandon Smith

** Political Theatre ([link removed])
* Much more on non-existent viruses ([link removed])
* Neil Oliver’s Christmas Video ([link removed])
* False prophet’ Bergoglio ([link removed])
* Pfizer advent calendar ([link removed])
* Mountains of Evidence ([link removed])
* Death and Destruction in Gaza ([link removed])
* Viganò’s j’accuse regarding Bergoglio ([link removed])
* Oh, Canada! ([link removed])
* Gort to Galway: Irish Times ([link removed])
* FBI Arrests Babylon Bee Actor Siaka Massaquoi ([link removed])
* MORE ([link removed])

** LRC Blog ([link removed])
* The Fed’s Fake Victory ([link removed])
* Zelenskyy and the Merchants of Death ([link removed])
* New York State Assemblyman Tony Simone Wants to Bring Back Forced Labor ([link removed])
* Relief From Vertigo: An Excellent Resource That Many People Need ([link removed])
* Bar Biden From The Ballot? ([link removed])
* Join Us for the Mises Circle in Tampa on February 17 ([link removed])
* Biden Wants to Outdo Trump ([link removed])
* Transgender or Transmogrify? ([link removed])
* Holy Mother America ([link removed])
* Measles & Smallpox Are Regularly “Confused” For One Another ([link removed])
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