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Dear CCL-DC Community,

As the public health situation rapidly evolves, we will continue to prioritize the health and safety of our community and neighbors. 

Based on guidance from the Center for Disease Control and CCL HQ, we are switching all in-person gatherings for the next 8 weeks to online, if possible, or postponing them. We ask that our volunteers do not create CCL in-person events during this time. Event leaders please feel free to reach out to us with questions and Zoom assistance.

Spring is usually a busy and exciting time for CCL due to the many events we put on and participate in. We want to acknowledge the tremendous effort of the CCLers who have been working to organize these events.

Stay abreast of our event calendar online. The following events have been moved to Zoom:

The following events have been cancelled and may be reinstated at a later date:

  • Thus 4/2: Earth Day 50 Event
  • Sat 4/4: Axe Throwing Social Event 
  • Sat 4/18: Earth Day Outreach on National Mall

Amidst these challenges we seek your creativity and perseverance to build our community and focus on the important climate work ahead of us, even as we practice physical social distancing. Other CCLrs have shared on CCL Community how they are currently working towards CCL goals. If you are interested in organizing a remote action or hosting an online event in the coming weeks, please let us know.

Consider reviewing CDC guidance on how you can reduce health risk to yourself and those around you.

A big thank you to Jillian and Debbie for coordinating our chapter's response to this outbreak.

With gratitude,

Max, Jillian, Debbie and the CCL-DC leadership team


NOTE: We've provided these resources for you to assess COVID-19 risk. 


CDC Interim Guidance for Community Events 

WHO Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public: Videos

DC Coronavirus updates 


Quick actions you can take for the climate:
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