As 2023 comes to a close, I wanted to send a quick and heartfelt thank you.
As folks who’ve been with us since the beginning know, Ezra and I never set out to build an organization. We wrote the Indivisible Guide back in 2016 because we wanted to make sure as many people as possible knew how to organize to stop Trump. At the time we were writing, I remember telling our friends: “If just five people around the country use this guide, that would be worth it.”
We could never have imagined what would happen next -- the thousands of groups who’d form, the creative, brilliant, dedicated action that Indivisibles would take, the ways in which our grassroots resistance movement would shape the course of American politics and the future of our democracy.
It’s been seven years and the fight continues. Once more, Trump is marshaling his forces. Once more, we’re getting ready to beat him -- and we will beat him. But we’re also in this fight to shape the kind of democracy where our rights are respected and our voices are heard. And this year, we saw that fight move forward across the country, from a big win that will reshape the Wisconsin Supreme Court to a blowout victory for reproductive freedom in Ohio to laying the groundwork for a 2024 abortion access referendum in Arizona. Where freedom is on the line, we show up.
To Indivisible leaders and activists -- I’m honored to be in this fight with you, to learn from you, to support you, and to cheer you on as you lead the way. So much is possible when we work together, when we all throw in together, when we keep our eyes on the horizon. You showed that this year -- and I know you’re going to show up with all you have next year, when everything is on the line.
Today and every day, I’m proud to be in this together.
In solidarity, Leah Greenberg Co-Founder and Co-Executive Director, Indivisible
P.S. -- Happy holidays and New Year to you and yours from the Levin-Greenberg clan! For the first time, we managed to get a good picture or two this year. Not pictured: Zeke’s determined efforts to steal Lila’s bow.
