The lack of universal health coverage in the United States has slowed and is slowing preparations for addressing coronavirus, and has blocked people from seeking the healthcare they need.
No economic theory can change the medical fact that a lack of healthcare for some threatens the health of all. We're in this together. Not me, us.
Voters have consistently been telling exit pollsters that they favor Medicare for All, even while many voters have been voting for a candidate, Joe Biden, who strongly opposes Medicare for All. Biden has even said he might veto it if enacted by a Democratic Congress.
The primary election is very far from over. Here's roughly where it stands at 7 a.m. ET 3/15 via AP:
For voters, "favoring" progressive and popular policies while voting for a candidate who opposes those policies is a recipe for failure. No matter what your television says, Bernie Sanders has at least as good a chance of defeating Donald Trump as Joe Biden.
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The choice facing us is crystal clear. "The most progressive social and economic path gives us the best chance to catch up and Senator Bernie Sanders represents the most progressive path," says Jesse Jackson. "Democrats cannot win and defeat Donald Trump without inspiring young people to come out and go to the polls in record numbers and there is only one candidate who has the overwhelming support of those under 40 years old and that’s Bernie Sanders."
"I believe Bernie Sanders would have a positive effect on down ticket candidates as a result of his wide-ranging progressive appeal to voters – and he does have the highest favorable rating of all the Democratic candidates," says Jackson.
Jackson is talking about winning and about basic change, and about basic change as the only path toward winning. "So let us not forget," he says, "what happened with moderate candidates in the White House in 1994 after a Democratic President Clinton won in 1992 and what happened in 2010 after President Obama won in 2008. During Obama’s time in office Democrats lost over 1,000 seats in Congress, in Governorships and in state houses and state senates. We are not supposed to be the party of Wall Street and big business. We are supposed to be the party of the poor, of diversity, of working class people and of the middle class."
Jackson provides a comprehensive case for Sanders here.
Bernie plans to create a Green New Deal, Enhanced Medicare For All, and college without debt.
Biden helped start the war on Iraq, boosted mass incarceration, backed NAFTA, and has tried to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Biden gave speeches on the Senate floor, bragging that he tried to cut Social Security on four separate occasions. Campaigning for president, he reassured the mega-wealthy that he won't fundamentally change anything.
By contrast, from the moment he was sworn in as a congressman, Bernie has worked to block Social Security cuts and expand Social Security benefits.
Watch these videos of Joe Biden.
Share our chart comparing Sanders, Biden, and Trump on Facebook and Twitter.
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Donate what you can to this movement, which is very much alive and kicking.
Thank you!
--- The Team
P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Frances Fox Piven, Phil Donahue, Sonali Kolhatkar, and many others.
>> Truthout: Coronavirus Will Spread Faster Because We Lack Universal Health Care
>> Rainbow Push: Rev. Jackson Endorses Sen. Sanders for President
>> Rainbow Push: Why I Support Sen. Bernie Sanders
>> RootsAction: Bernie, Not Biden
>> RootsAction: Biden Facts
>> IPA: Barron’s: “Real Super Tuesday Winners” are Health-Insurance Stocks
>> Jeff Cohen: Will Joe Biden Be a Rerun of 2016 Tragedy?
>> Video: Worth the Price? Joe Biden and the Launch of the Iraq War
>> Norman Solomon: Kerry’s Endorsement of Biden Fits: Two Deceptive Supporters of the Iraq War