Seasons greetings, friend! This holiday season, we wish you and your loved ones peace and joy.
To help you celebrate this holiday season, we created a DAGA Holiday Crossword puzzle for you about our work for AGs in 2023. Enjoy!
DAGA's Holiday Crossword Puzzle
[4] GOP AGs have launched repeated attacks on ______ access this year (Reproductive Health).
[5] Last name of the GOP AG who has been called the ‘Architect’ of the Dobbs ruling that ended national abortion protections.
[6] The federal agency that approved the safe and effective medication abortion pill ‘mifepristone’ over 20 years ago.
[7] The political party with the most effective and qualified AGs!
[8] The home state of corrupt state AG Ken Paxton.
[1] What GOP AGs infringe upon and what Dem AGs protect!
[2] This US institution currently houses a 6-3 conservative majority, our country’s highest legal authority, the ______ Court.
[3] The last name of California’s Democratic AG.
[4] What the first ‘A’ in DAGA stands for (plural).
[7] The committee dedicated to supporting and electing Dem AGs across the country (acronym).
If you completed the crossword and are curious to see how you fared, or if you’re stuck and need help, the answers to the puzzle can be found by clicking this link!
We hope you enjoyed our holiday puzzle. We invite you to share your solved puzzle with us on our Threads account! Our handle is @democraticags.
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