
Happy holidays! The holiday season is one of my favorite times of year – I love spending time with our family and friends.

We will be shopping and cooking for our annual Christmas gathering with a wonderful blend of family and chosen family members. And this is not our only family tradition around the holidays. Somewhere along the line, we decided the holidays were a good time to plan pranks on one another.

Last year, one of my daughters (safely) turned our dog, Olaf, into the Grinch while I was out shopping. 😂
Olaf the Grinch (pet-safe coloring was used!)

Funny business aside, I am feeling extra thankful this year. I am so grateful for your support of my grassroots campaign to keep CA-47 blue.

Our success is owed to supporters like you – whether you chip in donations, volunteer to knock on doors or make phone calls, or even just open messages like this one.

Today, I just want to wish you a wonderful holiday and express my deepest thanks.

In unity,
