By Mark Gruenberg

WASHINGTON—In their first one-on-one debate of the long presidential primary campaign, former Vice President Joseph Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders, Ind-Vt., went in different directions on what the federal government – aiding the U.S. people – should do to battle the coronavirus pandemic.
And that wasn’t the only issue where they parted ways on the evening of March 15, but it was the big one.
Biden concentrated on the immediate future: Mobilizing all federal resources in an organized manner – unlike the disorganized and inadequate effort of their common foe, GOP President Donald Trump – to stop the pandemic, its health impact, and its economic impact, too.
Sanders said we’re fighting a war, and like Biden, urged people to take immediate protective measures – hand washing, no big crowds, don’t go to work if you’re sick, etc. As for Trump, Sanders said the president should just shut up, rather than spreading happy talk and misinformation....