Social Security Works isn’t like other non-profits.
We are a lean operation that raises the bulk of our budget from small-dollar donations, solicited through emails like this one. We don’t have big, institutional funders who drive us off track. Instead we count on the support of our members, so we can stay laser-focused on protecting and expanding our Social Security system.
But I need to be honest: This year has been tough. While Social Security has faced massive threats during the debt ceiling crisis, government shutdowns, and now MAGA Mike Johnson’s single-minded focus on creating a closed-door commission, our fundraising hasn’t been able to keep up. We’re needed more than ever, but we’ve had to make do with less.
Donald Trump, a man who proposed cuts to Social Security every single year he was President is poised to become the Republican nominee again. That means 2024 will be a critical year for Social Security’s future.
We’re able to fight as hard as we do for Social Security because of our members. Can you make a 2024 membership contribution today?
Thank you,
Alex Lawson Social Security Works