Look into their eyes, countless animals are wondering why they feel like they’re being punished and put on the “Naughty List” when they’ve done nothing wrong. This December, as you reflect on this year, please remember the animals left out in the cold, those denied food and love, and who suffer at the hands of abusers.
These are the animals we must rescue and protect, and we can’t do it without you this year. Support from animal lovers like you is what helps so many animals transform from scared and alone to safe and loved. |
Innocent animals should never have to feel like they’ve done something to deserve punishment and a life of suffering and neglect.
So, as you’re “checking your list” one last time this holiday season, we hope you’ll help us reach those in need, provide food and care for victims, and give homeless animals comfort, warm beds and loving homes.
These animals don’t belong on the naughty list, and we have to work even harder to give them the care and comfort they deserve. Please remind them that hope is never lost with your gift today. |