We have 8 days until Cory’s final FEC deadline of the year. 23 days until the Republicans’ Iowa caucus. 31 days until the New Hampshire primary.

John —

We have 8 days until Cory’s final FEC deadline of the year.

23 days until the Republicans’ Iowa caucus.

31 days until the New Hampshire primary.

The race for the White House and the Senate majority is already kicking into high gear, and defending our progress at the ballot box depends on us reaching our end-of-year FEC fundraising goal.

Can you pitch in $10 or any amount to Cory’s campaign right now ahead of this critical fundraising deadline?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

We only have a few days left to make up ground and reach our FEC fundraising goal before everything slows to a trickle over the holidays.

Cory has counted on this team time and again, and he’s never been proven wrong.

So right now, we’re humbly asking if you can come through for him one more time before the year is out:

Chip in $10 or any amount to Cory’s campaign, help reach his FEC goal, and defend our progress in 2024.

Thanks for your support.

— Booker HQ