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email hero image: Keep Them Honest: Support journalism that speaks truth to power.

Hi Reader,

All year, you’ve seen ProPublica reporters expose one injustice after another.

  • In January, we reported that websites selling abortion pills are using technology that shares information about purchasers with third parties, like Google. The data can potentially be used by law enforcement to prosecute people who end their pregnancies.
  • In June, we explained how the climate crisis is on track to push one-third of humanity out of the planet’s most liveable environments.
  • In September, we published a deep-dive into how the Navy wasted millions of dollars on the failed littoral combat ship program.
  • And just this month, we exposed the extreme methods railroad officials use in order to keep workers’ injuries off the books.

But if there’s a light at the end of these dark stories, it’s this: Our reporting often gets results. Policies get reversed or new ones are enacted, wrongdoers resign, debts are erased, innocent people are freed and so much more. Our supporters make it possible for us to produce the kind of fact-based, investigative journalism that can spur change.

Help ProPublica spur even more impact next year by joining us today. Any amount makes you a ProPublican, and every gift makes a difference. When thousands of people give, it adds up quickly to help pay for journalism that has the power to activate change. Donate right now and your support will help us continue this critically important work into 2024.

Thanks so much,

Tova Genesen
Proud ProPublican

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