Hey Friend,

2023 has been an incredible year for Independent Women’s Forum – and I believe a turning point for our country. 

Finally, millions of people are waking up to the excesses of the progressive agenda which have not only left many Americans struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living, but are eroding the foundations of civil society, stifling free speech and robbing women of opportunity. 

Independent Women has been proud to lead the fight to stand up for women’s core rights to preserve freedom of association, including for single-sex spaces, and for the rule of law which requires that words have enduring meaning. We have worked to show that fighting for these principles isn’t anti-anyone — it is pro-woman, pro-science and pro-common sense. 

Our impact in 2023 has been greater than ever before – which is why I am simply incredibly grateful for your support.

The holiday season is a time to count blessings. Truly, the opportunity to lead our organization has been among the greatest blessings of my life. I talk to women everyday – women who are involved in one of our Network’s growing number of active, effective chapters around the country; women who are grassroots members and are taking action and lending their voice in support of our cause; our growing staff and fellows – and I know they feel privileged to be working so effectively for a cause that they love and with our passionate team. 

Thank you for giving everyone at Independent Women the opportunity to have such a profound impact. We are grateful for you and your partnership with us. We hope that you will consider continuing to invest in Independent Women’s Forum and the promise of a better, stronger, more rational country in the years to come! 

A generous, principled investor agreed to MATCH every dollar you contribute to Independent Women’s Forum between now and December 31up to $125,000! And every dollar you donate is tax-deductible.

Friend, can we count on you to contribute $5, $10, $25, $50, $100 or more to help us reach our goal of $125,000 raised by December 31 at 11:59 p.m. ET?

Wishing you peace and joy this holiday season, 

Carrie Lukas