Happy Holidays to the California Labor Family!

What an incredible year it’s been for our California Labor Movement!

Farmworkers just won their first election under the new card check law. Workers at Starbucks, REI, Peet’s, Planned Parenthood, CSU, and USC are organizing and winning. Public support for labor is at a record high because we are the only force taking on corporate greed and building a more just economy.

Union members—from hotel workers to healthcare workers to actors—have waged historic strikes to win not only higher wages but also affordable housing, improved staffing and protections from AI. And some workers, like UPS Teamsters, were able to leverage their power and get big wins without striking! 

These wins are showing all workers that our power comes from standing together. We will remember 2023 for the remarkable solidarity we saw between unions that has laid the groundwork for the bigger, stronger Labor Movement we are building. 

Our Unionize California campaign has already trained hundreds of union members, connected workers who want to organize to unions, and supported numerous organizing efforts and contract fights. We know that next year may get tougher as public sector budgets get squeezed.  That’s why we will continue to expand on Unionize California with a special focus on the public sector— to protect good union jobs from outsourcing and understaffing. We are all in this together!

I wish you and your family happy holidays and look forward to our work together in the New Year. 

In Solidarity,
