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Merry Christmas! 🎄

The rumor at the North Pole is that Santa’s sleigh will be a little lighter this year. And I can’t blame him; Bidenomics and the terrible policies enacted by our elected officials have increased the cost of everything. It’s no wonder that even Saint Nick is feeling the pinch.

The combined cost for the dozen gifts featured in the final verse of “The Twelve Days of Christmas” has reached an all-time high of $46,730. That's $1,207 higher than last year’s price tag – and a 19.8% increase since President Joe Biden took office, according to the 40th annual PNC Christmas Price Index

While most of us won’t be impacted by the 25% price hike in the price of two turtle doves, my wallet is quite a bit lighter this Christmas because of the nearly 63% increase in the cost of buying a bag of basic grocery store staples like bread, milk, toilet paper, and laundry detergent since last year. And I bet yours is, too.

Christmas is both a blessing and a struggle for so many of us. As a kid, I watched my mom use layaway plans and pick up side jobs cleaning houses so my sister and I would have presents under the tree.

That’s one of the memories that motivates me to fight to make life easier and more affordable for every American

As an economist, I understand that inflation is caused by failed government policies. Washington must stop printing money to pay for wasteful and unconstitutional government programs. Americans can’t afford for Congress to continue artificially increasing the price at the pump and the cost of electric bills by limiting our domestic energy production in the name of green virtue signaling.

As a taxpayer watchdog, columnist, and advisor to federal lawmakers at some of America’s most influential conservative organizations, I’ve saved taxpayers more than $60 billion by exposing waste, fraud, and abuse of YOUR tax dollars and working with lawmakers to slash wasteful spending.

As a member of Congress, I will respect your money and make damn sure that every dollar is spent carefully.

I have one Christmas wish this year: your support for our campaign. 

Your generous contribution will empower us to share our message of fiscal conservatism, individual empowerment, and limited government with every corner of our district. Please visit today. If you prefer to send your contribution by mail, please send a check to Drew for Nevada, 5325 S. Fort Apache Road, Suite D-31, Las Vegas, NV 89148.

December 31 is a CRUCIAL fundraising deadline, so please help us meet our year-end goals.

Let's make a difference together this Christmas. Regardless of the amount, your contribution will play a vital role in building a more fiscally responsible future for our children and grandchildren.

If Bidenomics has left you unable to contribute to our campaign financially, please consider volunteering your time or hosting an event by signing up at

Thank you for your unwavering commitment to our shared American values. Sarah and I wish you and yours a Christmas filled with warmth and love. 


PS - If you know someone who would be interested in learning more about my campaign to flip NV-03, please forward them this email.

As always, thank you for your continued support of our campaign! No matter the amount -- whether it's $5, $55, or $500 -- every dollar makes a difference! 

Drew Supports Constitutional Term Limits

Drew has joined with U.S. Term Limits to sign the Term Limits Pledge. Once elected, Drew will cosponsor and vote for the U.S. Term Limits Amendment limiting House members to 3 terms and Senators to 2 terms.

On the Campaign Trail

Drew was a featured guest this year at Turning Point USA's America Fest 2023 in Phoenix! Drew spoke about his background as a government watchdog and taxpayer advocate with thousands of like-minded patriots in attendance.
Drew was honored to attend the grand opening and ribbon cutting for Power2Parent's brand new office in Southern Nevada! Power2Parent is a parental rights organization that fights to ensure all students have access to a high-quality education that fits their learning needs.
Drew and Sarah attended the American for Prosperity Nevada's End of Year Gala. Nevada is blessed to have AFP NV's passionate leadership team, including Ronnie Najarro and Wiz Rouzard, as well as their army of inspiring volunteers fighting to advance liberty, limited government, and the American Dream.

In the Media

Drew appeared on Live & Local with Dr. Laurence Schiff on KZZZ 94.1 FM. They spoke about inflation, school choice, and everyone's favorite... the Golden Knights! Dr. Schiff's radio show reaches the southern area of Nevada's 3rd congressional district, including Laughlin, Palm Gardens, Cal-Nev-Ari, and Searchlight.
Last, but certainly not least, Drew was profiled by Star News Digital Media! Here are some excerpts from the article, which you can find HERE

“I am very proud that I was able to make government less expensive,” Drew told the Star Newsadding that “people make better decisions about their lives than government” and “dictating people’s lives at the government level is not the best way to solve things.”

“The rate of inflation in Clark County, in the Las Vegas metro area, is much higher even than the rest of the country.” Drew continued, “[A]nd one of the reasons why things are worse is because our housing prices, and as a result our rent prices, are skyrocketing because the federal government owns 89 percent of Clark County.” 

Drew stressed, “One of the things I am going to fight for is to put Nevada’s land back in the hands of Nevadans.”

Speaking in opposition to social media censorship Drew said, “There’s no place for using power gained through political favoritism to silence what Americans see, to silence Americans’ views. It’s just so fundamentally anti-American, it disgusts me.”

Click the image below to read the whole thing! 

YOU Can Help Us Defeat Susie Lee!

Want to help Drew? This race is going to be tight, and having the help of supporters like you is the only way we can win!

Here are the TOP 3 ways YOU can get involved:

1. Donate: Simply chipping in a few dollars to support our efforts is incredibly helpful. Whether it's $3 or $3,000, every donation makes a huge difference! Just $18 buys coffee and donuts for volunteers! You can contribute to the campaign HERE.

2. Host a Meet-and-Greet for Drew: Hosting a Meet-and-Greet in your home for Drew and inviting your friends, family, and neighbors is one of the best ways to spread our message. Whether it’s a casual coffee meeting, a wine and cheese event, or an energetic Golden Knights watch party, we can make hosting a get-together fun and easy. Interested in hosting a Meet-and-Greet? Email [email protected].

3. Volunteer for the Campaign: #TeamDrew is the secret weapon that will get Drew elected to Congress. We need to knock on tens of thousands of doors, write thousands of postcards, and make as many phone calls as possible to make this campaign a success...and we can't do it without you! Please visit THIS link to join #TeamDrew as a volunteer.
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Drew for Nevada
5325 S. Fort Apache Road
Suite D-31
Las Vegas, NV 89148

Contributions are not deductible as charitable donations for federal income tax purposes. The maximum contribution amount is $6,600 per person. Contributions from foreign nationals are prohibited.

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5325 S Fort Apache Rd Ste D-31
Las Vegas, NV 89148-4665

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