Our 32nd Convention and the struggle ahead

By Joe Sims

Main report to the CPUSA National Committee on December 3, 2023.

We’ve been through a lot since we last gathered in Chicago and have many struggles under our belt — the demonstrations against the war in Gaza, the picket lines against the “Big Three” auto companies and the Hollywood corporations, and the mobilizations to defend abortion and voting rights. We’ll arrive in Chicago ready to compare notes on these struggles and more, because that’s what conventions do — critically access, and plan ahead.

CPUSA co-chair: build movements, win the battle of ideas

By Rossana Cambron

As capitalism decays and millions are calling for change, Marxism's relevance continues. We must engage in the battle of ideas and build strong movements for peace, justice, and equality.


Good Morning, Revolution! Is Christmas Cancelled This Year? 

By Communist Party USA

Biden's policy on Israel and Palestine and the 2024 elections, Trump off the ballot in Colorado, NY creates reparations commission, and best and worst of 2023.

Changing U.S. foreign policy is central to immigration justice

By Immigrant Rights Subcommittee of the Political Action Commission, CPUSA

Report presented by Debra Wilmer to the 2023 CPUSA Peace Conference: Imperialist policies and racism are major factors affecting U.S. immigration. We need to end economic warfare and interventions, and redirect border enforcement money toward people's needs.


A ceasefire is the first step toward peace and liberation

By CPUSA National Committee

Statement adopted by the NC at its Dec. 3 meeting. The battle for democracy cannot be won without a struggle for peace.

Democracy, peace, and equality: today’s anti-racist imperatives

By African American Equality Commission, CPUSA

Report presented by Eric Brooks to the CPUSA National Committee: The party must deepen its roots in oppressed communities, and be a part of mass, anti-racist movements for peace, democracy, and a Third Reconstruction.

Gaza: The second wave of genocide

By Dr. Aqel Taqaz, International Secretary of the Palestenian Peoples Party.

The second wave has been even bloodier than the first, while the U.S. is undermining the UN. An international conference is needed to implement existing UN resolutions.

Peace activists slapped with the foreign agent charge, again

By Bennett Shoop

The spurious charges are aimed at disrupting the growing unity of the peace movement.

What were some of your favorite movements, movies, TV shows, books, and songs of the year?

Do you have a recipe you would like to share? 

Please take a moment to tell us what you loved about 2023 so we can reflect the party's hearts and minds to the world.

As Marx famously wrote, "The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." When you join the CPUSA, you will be connected with a local club engaged in daily on-the-ground struggles for a better world. That is where the rubber meets the road, and our working class and people need you in the fight.

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