Dear Patriot,
I’m disappointed the NDAA passed the House. This establishment bill:
Marie Perez voted for this legislation. Instead of fighting the woke agenda in our military, D.C. is focused on violating constitutionally protected freedoms.
When Marie is not voting to fund 87,000 armed IRS agents, she is voting to strengthen the federal government’s ability to spy on Americans and violate the Fourth Amendment.
Please donate today to help send a Constitutional Conservative to Washington:
Perez is voting against the rights of her constituents. The moderate mask has fallen off: she is fully aligned with the politicians in D.C. who want to take away your freedoms.
I fought to defend our nation’s freedoms overseas for twenty years, and I’m continuing that fight by running for Congress. I will vote against any legislation that includes warrantless surveillance of Americans.
Please donate to ensure I defeat my radical opponent at You can also opt to make it a recurring contribution by clicking the “Make this Monthly” button.
Marie Perez only votes for bipartisan bills when they increase the government’s power to infringe on your liberties.
You can help get a conservative Republican into Congress by donating today at
Will you please help me meet our goal so we can send a constitutionalist to Congress?
Joe Kent
PS - If you’re appalled at Marie’s support for warrantless surveillance, support my campaign at
Paid for by the Joe Kent Victory Fund |
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