Hey folks,
Before you log off for the holiday weekend, we’re hoping you’ll pitch in a few dollars to Pat’s campaign.
You see, we’re just about a week away from our final FEC fundraising deadline of the year. But because of the holidays, we’ll be pausing our fundraising operation for a few days — which means we need to catch up now or risk falling short.
Pat’s fighting to deliver meaningful results for the Hudson Valley: better schools for our kids, a cleaner environment, more affordable housing, lower prices for prescription drugs, and so much more.
He’ll continue to deliver in 2024 and beyond – but only if we can re-elect him to Congress.
Please, help us catch up on our fundraising and pitch in $10 or anything you can to his campaign before the holidays.
Please use the links in this email to start a monthly donation through ActBlue.
Thank you for your support! Happy holidays!
— Pat Ryan HQ

Pat Ryan defied pundits and pollsters twice in 2022, winning in a high-profile special election in August and becoming the only Democrat to win a toss-up race in New York.
As a West Point graduate, Pat lives and serves the Hudson Valley with duty and honor. Pat has a proven record of standing up for his country and community and is unequivocal in his fight to defend our rights and freedoms. Chip in to help Pat defend this toss-up seat!