Here’s the truth, John:
We’re experiencing something experts in politics call a “holiday slump” — a slowdown in fundraising around this time of year.
It makes sense. Folks are spending more time with family, or traveling, and less time reading emails like this one. But we rely on these emails to fuel every piece of work we do. So, when folks stop opening these emails, we have fewer resources to advocate for legislation or support our candidates.
And this slowdown couldn’t come at a worse time. We’re staring down our end-of-year fundraising deadline, and hitting our goal is critical to achieving all of the work we’re hoping to do in the new year.
That’s why we’re calling on each of you reading this email to step up and donate whatever you can to get us over this slump. Can we count on you to pitch in any amount right now?
Please use the links in this email to start a monthly donation through ActBlue.
HER Time