A Call to Action from the Colorado Republican Party
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The Colorado Republican Party blew past our fundraising goal for the year!
Did you know the Colorado Republican Party has more cash in the bank than the Colorado Democrat Party?

The dishonest and biased press from the Colorado Sun to the Denver Post to 9 News with Kyle Clark, along with the corrupted, sold-out "Dick Wadhams-wing" of our Party, doesn't want you to know our new grassroots Republican Party is on the rebound and rebuilding for success after the disastrous leadership of the past.

These establishment insiders only want to sabotage and divide our Party. That's why they keep pushing false narratives about our Party finances in hopes of you never learning the truth and joining our movement to take back Colorado.

The truth about our Party finances is encouraging. Here are the facts:
  • We have nearly $600,000 in the bank, and that's impressive when you consider that Kristi Burton Brown left with us with tens of thousands of dollars in debt and little liquidity to get off the ground.
  • We fundraised well over $800,000 in total so far, and that's amazing considering the malicious attempts by the corrupted press and the sold-out "Dick Wadhams-wing" of our Party to discourage large-dollar donors from investing in our State Party efforts. 
  • We increased the number of small and medium sized donors while expanding the Party base. 
But even with these promising gains the fight isn't over. We still have big challenges ahead and need your help now. 

President Donald Trump was thrown off the ballot in Colorado and we are doing what we can to defend your right to vote for him.

We need to raise another $100,000 in the next three weeks to be successful with our efforts as we appeal to the United States Supreme Court and potentially covert our nomination system from a Presidential Preference Primary to a pure Caucus process. 

Will you chip in $100 and help your Party succeed in these endeavors? Please CLICK the button below and chip in what you can to help defend your rights and Trump's ballot access.


There is new life flowing through our State Party and the credit belongs to patriots like you who stepped up and joined our reform efforts. 

We couldn't have accomplished this without grassroots supporters like you so please keep this momentum going.

Please know, your current State Party is in much better shape compared to past Party administrations. Most prior administrations didn't have this much cash on hand going into a presidential election year nor did they stretch the dollars they did have to better serve you. It's best to ignore the dishonest claims of our opponents and, instead, pitch in to help build more success for your Party.

Remember, if we keep pushing, then we will achieve victory for our Party and, more importantly, our conservative, America-First values.

Together, we can overcome the establishment, defeat the radical Democrats, and turn Colorado around for the better.

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

For the Grassroots,

Dave Williams
Chairman, Colorado Republicans

P.S. Please click the button below and chip in to help further expose the Democrats for the radicals they truly are while electing Republicans who will defend your rights and freedom.
Contributions are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations, foreign nationals, and federal government contractors, and other federally impermissible sources are prohibited.
Paid for by Colorado Republican Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. www.cologop.org

Colorado Republican State Party
5950 S. Willow Drive, Suite 210
Greenwood Village, Colorado  80111
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