Dear John,

Thus far, 37 house members and seven senators have announced they’re leaving Congress. Those departing include two recent house speakers, although only for a few weeks, Representative Patrick McHenry of North Carolina and Kevin McCarthy of California.

Representative George Santos of New York, who Ron Paul recently referred to as the most honest man in Congress, is one of those who departed too.

Sure, with a leadership chaos and polarization, with all the dysfunction and dishonesty and lack of progress in solving the nation’s problems, why would anyone want to stay in DC?

Now, that rationale makes sense to me as an explanation for the departures, but as usual, with anything political, sense has nothing to do with it. 

Do you think Congress members actually run from political dysfunction? Or, are they attracted to it and cause it, because the incentives that politicians face are so perverse. 

Hear my thoughts on the latest podcast. You may listen to the audio or read the transcript here.

Happy Holidays,

Philip Blumel
President, U.S. Term Limits

U.S. Term Limits
1250 Connecticut Avenue NW Suite 700  | Washington, District of Columbia 20036
(202) 261-3532 | [email protected]

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