Today, I'm taking a moment to thank you for all that you’ve done to help make children’s futures brighter this year with Save the Children. As a top supporter for children, your dedicated partnership is so crucial to our efforts. Our work to support the millions of children in crisis around the world each year simply wouldn’t be possible without you.
This year, as war in Gaza killed thousands of children and put millions more at risk, and disasters like the earthquakes in Afghanistan, Türkiye and Syria further impacted countless children across the world – your generosity has made a difference. Here, you can read about just a few examples of the power of your support.
From meeting children’s urgent needs when emergencies strike, to supporting long-term investments in their futures, the work we’ve accomplished this year wouldn’t have been possible without you. It’s been a difficult year, John, but we know that when there are compassionate people like you out there, there’s hope.
Thank you for everything you do to help children around the world grow up healthy, educated and safe. It means more than you know. We hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season.