

State-run media exists to protect the government in power. Corporate media serves the interests of advertisers, investors, and corporate owners.


Common Dreams was founded to serve the organizers, thinkers, workers, and doers who believe a better world is possible. 


After reading one of our stories, we want our readers to be inspired to get involved and work for change. The corporate media just wants you to stay on your couch, buy more crap, and close your eyes and your mind.


But, friends, after nearly 25 years of publishing, we’ve never been so terrified about the future of democracy, journalism, and our planet – and the threats we face will only become more urgent in 2024.

That’s why we’re asking you today: Will you donate to Common Dreams and help meet our mission-critical goal of raising $100,000 by year’s end?


In solidarity and gratitude,

The entire Common Dreams team

P.S. Common Dreams relies on sustaining donors to make long-term plans and improve our reporting. Will you become a monthly donor today?

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Call 207.775.0488 to donate by phone or mail a check to:
Common Dreams · PO Box 443 · Portland, ME 04112-0443 · USA

Common Dreams is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Your contribution is tax-deductible.
EIN: 20-3368194
