COVID-19 Boundary Waters update


Dear Supporters,

We are grateful for you and your activism to protect the Boundary Waters. The sanctitude of that special place seems even more important in this time of crisis, and our fight even more important. Regrettably, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are officially canceling all events scheduled in the coming 6+ weeks, and are postponing our spring 2020 Boundary Waters Gala until October 2020 (specific date yet to be determined). 

If you have already purchased your tickets for this year’s gala, they will remain valid for our rescheduled October 2020 event. If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to Ingrid Lyons or Carter Sample.

We look forward to staying connected. We are working on multiple fronts to stop this mine, and that work cannot stop. We know these are unprecedented times, and we are continuing to work towards protecting the Boundary Waters from the impacts of toxic sulfide-ore copper mining.

Here are 4 things you can do online right now to protect this special place for generations to come:

1. Participate in our March Match as a one time donor, or even better, as a monthly sustainer. Your gifts will be matched up to $25,000. Learn more here!

2. Support the Boundary Waters and small businesses online through our Shop to Support page.

3. Explore the Boundary Waters from your smartphone/computer with our new experience.

4. Take action! Contact your representative telling them to support Rep. Betty McCollum's bill H.R. 5598 to protect the Boundary Waters.

Thank you for understanding, stay safe, and stay tuned for more calming Boundary Waters content over the next few weeks.

The Campaign to Save the Boundary Waters team

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Save the Boundary Waters
P.O. Box 625
Ely, MN 55731
United States