The United States Postal Service and our Social Security system are equally beloved. Both are American institutions that deliver vital services that our citizens rely on. And both are under attack by anti-government Republicans who want to privatize them for profit.
Under the Trump administration, both the USPS and Social Security were saddled with leadership that fundamentally opposed the purpose of the agencies they represented. President Biden took action to fire Andrew Saul, Trump’s handpicked Social Security Commissioner. But Louis DeJoy, the Postmaster General, has proven more difficult to fire because he has been protected by loyalists on the USPS Board of Governors.
Finally, Biden has the chance to appoint two new members to the USPS Board of Governors, who can finally remove the stain Donald Trump left on our Postal Service.
Tell President Biden: Appoint these two new Governors and take the final step to removing Louis DeJoy from the USPS!
DeJoy’s tenure has been defined by his “10 year plan,” which would slow down the mail and raise prices, while relying increasingly on outside contractors. It effectively dismantles the USPS and leaves it ripe for privatization. DeJoy has also been marked by corruption scandals and unresolved conflicts of interest. These two nominees, who are supported by the Save the Post Office Coalition and members of the Postal Workers and Letter Carriers unions, will give us the chance to redeem the USPS just as we redeemed the Social Security Administration!
Former Rep. Brenda Lawrence is the only member of Congress who was a member of the American Postal Workers Union and the National Association of Letter Carriers. In Congress, she valiantly defended the USPS against attempts to privatize it.
Sarah Anderson is a policy expert who has written extensively on the USPS’s financial issues and economic model, and can chart a path back to prosperity for the USPS without service cuts.
With our voices together, we can win! Save the USPS―appoint these two new members to the USPS Board of Governors!
Thank you,
Michael Phelan Social Security Works