Dear Reader,
Ballotpedia is known for providing trustworthy content about American politics. Nowhere was that more true this year than our expanded coverage of every school board race in ten states: Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin.
Local politics has significant implications in voters’ communities, and it is Ballotpedia's goal to ensure that robust information about the people running for office and, eventually, elected to make decisions at the local level - is easily available, no matter the size of the district.
As voters sought out information, Ballotpedia provided coverage of elections in more than 3,400 of the nation's 13,000+ school districts in 2023. We also continued to provide coverage of elections in the top 200 school districts by student enrollment and the school districts serving the 100 largest cities in America.
We have more than 550 pages devoted to education policy, as well as school board member and candidate profiles, noteworthy election coverage, and detailed district data. All of this and more make it into our Hall Pass newsletter.
It is vital that Americans have a resource they can trust to help them make what they feel are the best and most informed choices for their lives and their communities. With your help, Ballotpedia will continue to build on this success and expand our coverage to even more school board races in 2024 and beyond!

Leslie Graves