give big, give now!

John -- we're sharing a friendly reminder that during these times, like all times, we are in this together. 

As Resource Generation, we are committed to giving big, giving now, and to keep giving for social justice. 

Please check out and share this Giving Guide with friends and family.

Graphic for Resource Generation by @vrye

Resource Generation chapters across the U.S. have been self-organizing ways to move resources to communities most impacted by COVID 19 -- poor and working-class communities especially older people, houseless people, people without access to healthcare, immigrant communities, children who will lose access to food during the shutdown of schools, and more. 

  • The RG DC Chapter pooled funds to purchase and distribute supplies (non-perishable food, clorox wipes, etc), in coordination with the local BLM crew
  • RG LA organized a mutual aid Zoom call with 17 people attending where people shared mutual aid funds they are working on, shared commitments, requests, and offers
  • RG North Carolina has been circulating support funds, started a shareable spreadsheet to gather funding needs and resources in one place, and have been contributing and sharing those funds more broadly
  • RG Atlanta is also circulating mutual aid fund asks!
  • and more!

If you are interested in connecting with your local RG chapter or community to support local mutual aid efforts (and the long-term fight for social justice!), please check out the RG intake form. We'll also be sharing in our newsletter later this week other national mutual aid funds and more thoughts on how the RG community can be organizing during this time.

In community, 

The RG Team

