PFAW Member -- This can't wait! The House passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act on Friday with bipartisan support. The Senate must act without delay and take this critical first step to protect the public! Help us reach 35,000 signatures RIGHT AWAY to keep the pressure on Mitch McConnell -- only 7K more signatures to go! ADD YOUR NAME: Tell the Senate to pass the coronavirus response bill NOW >> ----[previous message]---- Tell Congress: Pass the Coronavirus Response Bill NOW >> PFAW Member, You would think that addressing a global pandemic and its alarming spread within the U.S. would be a bipartisan issue. We need act swiftly to ensure that Americans have the relief they needed to get through this crisis. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act is a vital first step in that direction. But Senate Leader Mitch McConnell is threatening to block this urgently needed bill, outrageously calling its common-sense efforts to protect public health and ensure access to medical care and other critical supports an “ideological wish list.” We’re already way behind in combating the coronavirus pandemic and need real investment in protecting our communities without delay. Donald Trump keeps lying and saying that everyone who wants a test can get one. Maybe that’s because his political allies who thought they were exposed at a right-wing conference received testing right way, despite not having any symptoms, but we know that for the rest of us, tests are scarce and hard to come by … and for the uninsured and people who can’t afford additional medical costs and missed work, there are even more concerns during this crisis. The Families First Coronavirus Response Act offers some important initial steps that would offer immediate relief to countless families across the country, including: FREE coronavirus testing for everyone who needs a test (including those without insurance), paid emergency leave, enhanced unemployment insurance, strengthened food security initiatives (to ensure that everyone has the food they need), and increased federal funds for Medicaid (to help states pay for increased costs due to the outbreak). This is hardly an ideological wish list and it’s OUTRAGEOUS for Mitch McConnell to claim that it is one. Thanks for all that you do, -- Zach, PFAW