U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jerome Adams during a White House press conference over the weekend urged the medianot to “spread fear and distrust and misinformation” amid the ongoing coronavirus outbreak, emphasizing that doing so would

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Man Blames Media For Panic Over Virus While Reporter was Live, 'You're All the Scum of the Earth!'

By Nick Kangadis | 16 Mar 2020

Look, folks. You should absolutely take the proper precautions in dealing with the novel coronavirus pandemic. But, the panic and hysteria that has swept the nation has become a bit much. Whether it’s social...

Sanders: Sick Illegals ‘Try To Do The Right Thing’ - Let's Pay For Their Healthcare & End ICE Raids

By Eric Scheiner | 15 Mar 2020

Sen. Bernie Sanders used the Coronavirus outbreak to defend his plan for covering healthcare for “undocumented” immigrants. During Sunday night’s Presidential Debate, Sanders responded to a...

Biden: Trump Policies Have ‘Eaten A Lot Of Our Seed Corn’ With ‘God Awful Tax Cut’

By Eric Scheiner | 15 Mar 2020

Joe Biden says that President Donald Trump’s policies eaten “a lot of our seed corn” and that America needs a “major, major, major bailout package” to deal with Coronavirus. ...

Chicago Weekend Shootings Don't Slow Down, At Least 1 Dead, 17 Others Wounded

By Nick Kangadis | 16 Mar 2020

Coronavirus be damned, apparently. Just because there’s a worldwide pandemic going on, that doesn’t mean the criminals in Chicago don’t have time to shoot at people, innocent or not. At least...


Help us secure billboards in Charlotte during the 2020 Republican National Convention!


CNN has used the COVID-19 virus to misreport, book outrageously deceptive guests, and perpetuate lies.


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