Total is about to destroy paradise



Total is trying to restart a deadly conflict-ridden gas megaproject in a former fishing paradise in Mozambique before the year ends -- but together we can stop it.

Total hasn’t secured the deal yet to finance the scheme, and right now a group of financial institutions are deciding whether or not to provide financial support to the project -- so now is our chance to act!

These financial institutions already know it’s a risky project, but would they be ready to risk their reputation too? If thousands of us fill their inboxes, asking them to do the right thing and refuse to support Total’s project, we could cut this destructive project off before it starts.

John, email the banks now: No fund for Total’s new carbon bomb! 

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Described as a "carbon bomb", the Mozambique LNG will produce more than the combined annual carbon gas emissions of all 27 EU countries over its lifecycle...

Through the Mozambique LNG project, Total is intricately linked to severe human rights violations, including involuntary manslaughter during an insurgent attack and displacement and loss of livelihoods for local communities, left without adequate compensation. Communities have also been the victim of violence from the Mozambican troops, “protecting” the project area and receiving bonuses from Total.

Let’s keep fossil fuels where they should be: in the ground -- to keep people and the planet safe!

John, Help us stop the banks now: Don’t finance Total’s latest toxic project!

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Thanks for all that you do,
Leyla, Daphne and the team at Ekō

More Information:

Public statement of 124 NGOs to the 28 financial institutions supporting TotalEnergies’ Mozambique LNG project. BankTrack. 17 November 2023.

The Stop Mozambique Gas campaign. Stop Moz Gas. 2023.

Cabo Delgado, Mozambique: A Resource-Rich War Zone. Global Oil and Gas Exit List. 30 November 2023.




Ekō is a community of people from around the world committed to curbing the growing power of corporations. We want to buy from, work for and invest in companies that respect the environment, treat their workers well and respect democracy. And we’re not afraid to stand up to them when they don’t.

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