Dear Jack,
2023 has been a year of tremendous highs and dangerous lows for the world’s Indigenous peoples, and for Survival’s campaigns alongside them.
A new era in Brazil, after the horrors of former-President Bolsonaro, brought a ray of hope for the Indigenous peoples we work with. So too did successes in our campaigns, like the defeat of the 'Genocide' Bill in Peru, and a marked reduction in violence against the Baka people in the Congo.
But Indigenous peoples have also faced ferocious attacks - from governments, corporations, big conservation organizations, agribusiness and others - on their rights, lands and lives.
In the face of these challenges, we’ve been operating with greater intensity than ever before. In just one year, we launched three new campaigns: for uncontacted Hongana Manyawa people threatened by nickel mining in Halmahera Island, Indonesia; for the Shompen of India’s Great Nicobar Island, whose peaceful island home is scheduled to be turned into the “Hong Kong of India”; and the Blood Carbon campaign, highlighting how carbon offset greenwashing schemes are making millions from Indigenous people’s land while destroying their way of living.